Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de annoy

to annoymolestar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I annoyyo molesto
you annoytú molestas
he annoysél molesta
she annoysella molesta
we annoynosotros molestamos
you annoyvosotros molestáis
they annoyellos molestan
they annoyellas molestan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I annoyedyo molesté
you annoyedtú molestaste
he annoyedél molestó
she annoyedella molestó
we annoyednosotros molestamos
you annoyedvosotros molestasteis
they annoyedellos molestaron
they annoyedellas molestaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have annoyedyo he molestado
you have annoyedtú has molestado
he has annoyedél ha molestado
she has annoyedella ha molestado
we have annoyednosotros hemos molestado
you have annoyedvosotros habéis molestado
they have annoyedellos han molestado
they have annoyedellas han molestado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had annoyedyo había molestado
you had annoyedtú habías molestado
he had annoyedél había molestado
she had annoyedella había molestado
we had annoyednosotros habíamos molestado
you had annoyedvosotros habíais molestado
they had annoyedellos habían molestado
they had annoyedellas habían molestado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will annoyyo molestaré
you will annoytú molestarás
he will annoyél molestará
she will annoyella molestará
we will annoynosotros molestaremos
you will annoyvosotros molestaréis
they will annoyellos molestarán
they will annoyellas molestarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have annoyedyo habré molestado
you will have annoyedtú habrás molestado
he will have annoyedél habrá molestado
she will have annoyedella habrá molestado
we will have annoyednosotros habremos molestado
you will have annoyedvosotros habréis molestado
they will have annoyedellos habrán molestado
they will have annoyedellas habrán molestado

I would annoyyo molestaría
you would annoytú molestarías
he would annoyél molestaría
she would annoyella molestaría
we would annoynosotros molestaríamos
you would annoyvosotros molestaríais
they would annoyellos molestarían
they would annoyellas molestarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have annoyedyo habría molestado
you would have annoyedtú habrías molestado
he would have annoyedél habría molestado
she would have annoyedella habría molestado
we would have annoyednosotros habríamos molestado
you would have annoyedvosotros habríais molestado
they would have annoyedellos habrían molestado
they would have annoyedellas habrían molestado

Participio presenteAnotado
annoying molestando

Participio pasadoAnotado
annoyed molestado

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